Alzheimers / Dementia Screener

An Alzheimer's screener is beneficial because it helps detect early signs of cognitive decline, allowing individuals to take proactive steps for brain health. Early screening can lead to timely medical intervention, lifestyle adjustments, and treatment plans that may slow disease progression.

It also provides peace of mind for individuals and their families, enabling better planning for the future and access to necessary support resources. When in doubt, get checked out—brain health is always worth prioritizing!

Cognitive Impairment Screener

Confidently detect mild cognitive impairment and better delineate between normal age-related decline and potential neurodegenerative disease. Our Scientifically-validated tests enhance the quality of your screener by accurately catching mild cognitive impairment and instantly calculating whether it's within or outside the range of normal for each patient:

  • Algorithms tuned using a database of 85,000+

  • Tested across healthy, neurology, and dementia populations

  • Balance of sensitivity and specificity for optimal test accuracy

 Reviewed by a Cognitive Psychologist.

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Assessing Impairment

Going beyond pen and paper tests like the MoCA, Mini-Cog, or MMSE, our screener is associated with a specific area of the brain linked to cognitive function.

  • Tasks mapped to brain regions using fMRI technology

  • Tests across four cognitive domains, including memory, reasoning, verbal ability, and concentration

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Book your Screener

An Alzheimer's screener is for anyone concerned about their cognitive health, particularly: Older adults who may be at risk for cognitive decline. Individuals with a family history of Alzheimer’s or dementia. People experiencing memory issues or difficulty with problem-solving and daily tasks. Caregivers who want to monitor a loved one’s cognitive health. Healthcare professionals looking for early detection tools to support patient care.

Early screening helps individuals take proactive steps toward brain health and access necessary resources if needed.

Quantify core aspects of your brain performance using a set of fun, gamified, and scientifically - validated cognitive tasks with an instant report. Read more about the benefits of Cognitive Assessments. 

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Cognitive Assessment

3. Alzheimers Dementia Screener


Evidence-based approach to cognitive decline with scientifically-validated cognitive testing can help inform treatment and improve care.

Report that will give you insights to enable you to take the steps you need to improve your quality of life.


Brain health report - highlights deficits, guides rehabilitation

Guided Rehabilitation & treatment plans

Reviewed by a Cognitive Psychologist

      Call: (619) 800-0562

Please note: This is not a standalone diagnostic tool. As with other assessments, any conclusions drawn from the  Clinical Report should be paired with clinical interviews and observations, other mental health examinations or assessments administered, and other evaluations of the patient and/or the patient's family history.

How it works - Remote and In Person

1. Video Consultation

Make sure Genius Gyms is the right fit for the individual by having a personal consultation. You'll get feedback from the coach and an idea if this right for you. Our initial meeting begins with a general discussion of the presenting problem, including the reasons that led to the referral and perspectives of the presenting problem. Can be remote of in person.

2. Get Evaluated

Get a comprehensive performance evaluation to determine your current performance level and identify target cognitions for our treatment. The general areas of focus in the interview adjust based on our initial discussion of the presenting problem and the individual’s responses to standardized measures that are administered immediately prior to the behavioral interview. In general, however, we emphasize cognitive domains that have been empirically identified to influence performance in athletic activities (see review by Donohue, Silver, Dickens, Covassin, & Lancer, 2007). We also screen for other psychological barriers to performance, based on the unique concerns of the client, including administering a scientifically-validated protocol and report.

3. Choose Program

Choose from personalized training recommendations, 1:1 individual training, semi-privates or special team programs to get a program that matches your goals and schedules. We teach mental toughness skill training through a variety of evidence based psychological practices, such as, emotional regulation strategies (cognitive restricting, positive self talk, distraction techniques), pre performance routines, psychological resilience training (challenge mindset), and cognitive-behavioral stress management.

4. Measure

Genius Gyms training continually measures performance and improvement to keep athletes motivated and on track.

Other Assessments

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Screen for ADHD at all ages

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Athlete Assessment

Screen for performance opportunities

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Identifying a concussion early on is crucial

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General Assessment

Find your real strengths & weaknesses
