Genius Gyms Running App
Improve your Cognition, while you Run
Dr. Sarah McEwen, a cognitive psychologist and life long runner, has created the Genius Gyms running app out of the need to seamlessly blend cognitive training during your run to boost brain health and combat boredom on training runs.
The Genius Gyms App was designed to be an interactive playlist of cognitive games that you listen to and respond to with a screen tap while running. For the first time you can increase your mental and physical performance simultaneously during your run.
“I have been an athlete and runner my whole life and although I normally listen to music during my training runs that can feel mindless and gets boring day after day. I wanted to create an engaging method of training where I could still run fast but be cognitively challenged and strengthen my mind. My research at UCLA found and that of others (add links to papers)has found that the simultaneous combination of cardio training and targeted brain training exercises increases mental performance more than separately engaging in these activities and is the scientific foundation behind the Genius Gyms App."
- Dr. Sarah McEwen, Co-Founder Genius Gyms, Cognitive Psychologist, NCAA Track & Field athlete

Improves overall physical fitness with a specific emphasis on increasing brain functioning for performing the following cognitive skills: memory, attention, language, processing speed, executive functioning and motor skill coordination. Our program aims to help reduce/delay the negative effects of aging on the brain.

Get up and running
To use the Genius Gyms App, choose how long you want to run and the type of cognitive challenge you want for your session, for example “Get Focused” “Reduce stress” “Combat ADHD”, then press play to listen and interact with your personalized workout playlist.
How our App helps
Neuroscience-based fitness
Simultaneous physical exercise and cognitive training backed by science. Recommended to use while, walking, cycling or running
Interactive Cognitive Tasks
Validated adaptive cognitive tasks applied via a patented technology during aerobic exercise
Target Brain Functions
Specifically target and improve memory, attention, processing speed, and executive functioning
Clinical Programs
Access to programs developed by a Psychologist such as: Cognitive Aging, ADHD, Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, OCD, depression and Stress
Real Time Results
Measure your progress and get performance data based on accuracy, reaction speed across targeted brain regions
Smart Watch Integration
Works with Apple and Android Smart watches getting HR Zone, distance and calories to give you a holistic view of brain and body
Who is it for?

Looking to gain a competitive advantage through mental resilience by overcoming performance anxiety

Cognitive Aging
Help observe and potentially delay the onset of certain aging issues such as memory loss
Genius Gyms App Plans
Mental Endurance
- Access to cognitive programs
- Attention
- Memory
- Speed
- Decision making
- Access to clinical programs
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Brain Fog
- Brain Aging
- Smart Watch Fitness Integration
- Cognitive scores, reaction time, heart rate, calories, distance
Mental Fortitude
- Access to cognitive programs
- Attention
- Memory
- Speed
- Decision making
- Access to clinical programs
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Brain Fog
- Brain Aging
- Smart Watch Fitness Integration
- Cognitive scores, reaction time, heart rate, calories, distance
- Results Analyzer